Sunday, December 10, 2017

O'Donnell's Kitchen Recipes and Stories from the Camp

It has been some time since I last wrote in the Blog. I have been busy, and I hope to become a regular
poster again.

So, what have you been up to?  I have published two books on Amazon.
The first is The Road to Freedom, A History of the 108th Infantry Regiment (USCT).
The other is O'Donnell's Kitchen, Recipes and Stories from the Camp.  This is a collection of recipes from me, my Grandma Gavin and that I have borrowed or found. It is also stories from around the camps I have cooked for during the 36 years of  reenacting.

O'Donnell's Kitchen is going to be my focus in the Months to come.  I will share some of the stories and recipes in this Blog.

To get a copy of O'Donnell's Kitchen go to Amazon
You can get a copy of my Cookbook "O'Donnell's Kitchen" at Amazon.Com.
Here's the link:
It is available in eBook, and Paperback formats. Buy the Paperback and get a free eBook.

Thanks for your support.

Next Post is How to feed 6 with one Cinnamon Roll.

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